Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Treasure in Heaven

St. Peter's Basilica - Vatican City, Rome
(Click on image to enlarge)
"Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasure in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there will be your heart also." - Matthew 6:19-21

Last week I returned from Europe. I was there on a business/pleasure trip. On one of my free days I visited Rome and the Vatican. In typical American tourist style, I had several hours to try and absorb thousands of years of culture!

The Vatican City is an incredible place. It is filled with art, beauty and culture that has remained unchanged for 500 years. However, I had thought that visiting it would a kind of spiritual pilgrimage - a worshipful experience at one of the greatest religious centres in the world. But, unfortunately, as I walked through the vast Basilica of St. Peter I experienced a deep sense of sadness and, dare I say, anger, at what the Church of Rome has become. What I heard from within; what I can only describe as the "voice" of the Holy Spirit, was "This was not what I intended!"

The Church that was built in honor of St. Peter has become a museum of wealth and power.

Prayer was going on in the church - but only in secluded places - "reserved for the faithful."

As I walked through the Grotto where all the entombed Popes of history are laid, a recorded voice kept repeating in multiple languages words like - "This is a place of contemplation and prayer, please refrain from talking" - after a while I realized that ironically no one was talking, except the recorded voice that kept droning on and on!

The Basilica of St. Peter has become a "Disney-like" representation of itself. It's just like visiting a real church!!

On my journey back to my hotel I found myself actually weeping as I reflected on Jesus' words (above) and comparing them to what I experienced at the Vatican.

I cannot reconcile my understanding of Jesus' words, life, death and resurrection with the attitude of the church that stands AS a kingdom of the earth - not as a WAY to the kingdom of Heaven.


Steve Robinson said...

I recall a story about a Pope giving someone a tour of the Vatican and the person said, "I guess the Church can no longer say like St. Peter 'silver and gold have I none'"... and the Pope replied, "Yes, and perhaps that is why the Church no longer has the power to say 'take up thy pallet and walk'".

DebD said...

I found you through seeing who else had listed Eastern Orthodox Christainity on their blogspot profile.

I'll have to come back and check it out.