Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Replacement Jesus...


This newspaper article was actually about the recovery of a Baby Jesus figure that had been taken from a Nativity scene outside a local church - the figure, a replacement for one stolen last year, had been found in the bushes nearby. The "original" is still missing.

Sometimes the best commentary or viewpoint on current events is seen through editorial goofs and misprints in newspapers. When I saw this headline this morning my first reaction was to laugh out loud. My second reaction was to acknowledge another interpretation of this headline.

We've lost the original Jesus. The Jesus of the 21st Century Christmas scene is often portrayed as less than human, and certainly not as God. Rather than being a controversial and radical figure, He's become a rather harmless legend or folk-tale, like the other holiday characters, the Easter Bunny, Jack Frost, Santa Claus or the Great Pumpkin. Often He's considered as just "another" wise teacher that said some nice things.

Because we've lost the original Jesus, those of us who call ourselves His followers often find ourselves following a self-created version of Jesus - the one that best fits what we want in a God.

One of my all-time favorite movies is "It's A Wonderful Life," and my favorite scene is when George Bailey, at the "end of his rope," prays for help to the God that he's not sure is real. That prayer is the turning point in the whole story. It reminds me that it's a good practice to not wait until the "end of my rope" to pray, in fact, I'd rather pray that God will take hold of the rope altogether!


The simple earth-shaking meaning of Christmas is that it commemorates the arrival of God's kingdom on earth - Divinity and Humanity being reunited. The beginning of the process of restoration of the divine in mankind. It's not about a religion - it's not about gifts under a tree - it's certainly not about good year-end prices on cars, trucks and vans!!!

As a friend once told me, "The significance of Christmas is that God is saying that it's OK to be human."

So, whether you're a Christian or an atheist or something in between. Consider Christmas as an opportunity to ponder the possibility that life has a purpose. If you've doubted God, and perhaps even feel justified in your doubts - take a risk and ask Him to reveal Himself to you. "Lord I believe, help my unbelief" (Mark 9:24)


a1 said...
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Anonymous said...

The REAL Jesus is in our hearts