Friday, March 13, 2009

The Open Secret - Parts One and Two

The very simple and natural man in this series of interviews is named Tony Parsons. I'm not sure how and when I first heard about him, but I've read a few of his books and find him quite fascinating. 

For a long-time spiritual seeker like me his words can be awfully frustrating at first hearing, because basically he teaches that there is nothing to seek - that all that we are is right here, right now, we just aren't aware of it.

He's a teacher of Non-Duality, or Oneness, (Advaita in Sanskrit). Which actually means, if he's authentic, and I don't know if I can come to any kind of judgement on that issue, that what he teaches is something that really cannot be learned, but only experienced!!!

He says that we just have to stop trying and let go - and that's the game that we play with our minds - trying to get somewhere that's already here..... 

What he says seems completely obvious - but also quite startling at the same time. Take a look and listen...

(Parts One and Two of a Five Part Series)

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