Monday, January 07, 2008

The Bottom Line

This is my last post (at least for a while) on this blog....

I wanted to close with a thought-provoking quote.....

"Someone may say, "Yes, I believe in Jesus." That's fine, but what is the point? Someone else may say, "Mohammed is the final prophet." That's fine, but what's the point? Share it with me! Someone else may say, "I follow the Buddha." Yeah, that's fine, you have the freedom to follow anything, but what is the point? What is the bottom line? What is the Buddha teaching us?

People are getting tired and disgusted with religion. One reason this is happening is because religion becomes very exclusive. People talk about loving thy neighbor but practice only loving their friends; they bitterly criticize others with beliefs differing from theirs. But if people would look at themselves and consider What can I do with my life? then followers of each religion could live up to the principles of their religion. Each religion has beautiful principles to share with others."

-Rev. Koshin Ogui, Zen Shin Talks (pp.219)

1 comment:

Vampire Rabbit said...

Interesting last post for Eastern orthodox Nativity.