Thursday, June 29, 2006

Longing for Heaven

Ocean Dome in Japan
"I want to live where soul meets body
And let the sun wrap its arms around me
And bathe my skin in water cool and cleansing
And feel, feel what its like to be new"
- "Soul meets Body" by Death Cab for Cutie
Less than a mile from the ocean shore in Japan is a huge dome that contains a fully-functional man-made ocean paradise, complete with palm trees, scented ocean breezes, a warm sandy beach and, of course, blue ocean water with gentle waves.
I've been travelling quite a bit this month, on business, but fortunately I've been able to go to places that are identified as perhaps the best "Entertainment" capitals in the world. Orlando, Florida, and Las Vegas, Nevada.
Anyone who visits Walt Disney World cannot help but be impressed by the World Showcase park within the Epcot Center - where in an afternoon one can travel "around the world." Visiting and/or dining in Morocco, China, France, England, Germany, and a variety of countries - without all the aggravation of actually having to travel there, or deal with the problems of cultural, language and climate differences.
In Las Vegas, likewise, one can walk the streets of Paris, New York, Venice and Rome in a couple of hours. It's just like being there without having to use your passport.
Unfortunately, after a few days in either of these places you begin to notice that the beautiful stonework of the buildings is merely a facade, and the deep blue sky above is either painted on or is the result of a lighting effect.
I believe that within all of us, in our very DNA, is a calling to a place where perfection exists. Where all that is beautiful is lasting. Not a controlled, phony atmosphere of bright lights and magical illusion, but a place of endless beauty and perfection. In Buddhism they call it the "Pure Land," in Christianity it's called "Heaven." Where the romance of life never ends and where we feel wanted and cherished beyond any relationship that we have with anyone or anything on earth. A place where we are loved unconditionally forever.
Many of the martyrs and saints of history have chosen to suffer painful persecution and/or death rather than deny their vision of this place called "heaven." Even those that are misguided terrorists choose to sacrifice themselves because they are misled into believing that their actions will justify their eternal existence in "paradise." The call to a place of eternal peace and beauty is so great within us.
"He has made everything beautiful in its time.
He has also set eternity in the hearts of men;
yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end."
- Ecclesiastes 3:11 (NIV)
I believe that all of humanity's desire for pleasure, fulfillment, success and satisfaction are rooted in this internal orientation. In Orthodoxy, it is taught that because of the disease of sin that has infected our DNA - our orientation to eternity has lost its bearings, so we suffer in our discontent and frustration and grasp to fulfill this deep longing for eternity with temporary things. Sometimes these things are harmless and provide moments of pleasure - sometimes they are addictive and master us and destroy us.
Everything in creation is but a temporary reflection of the eternal beauty and love of God, the perfect Father, whose very nature is love.
God loves the world and He wants us to love it too.
If you love it here - you're going to love it there!!!!

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