Sunday, October 05, 2008

The Mark of McCain and Un-Able

Today, in many Catholic churches - the focus of the Mass was to be the commemoration of "Respect for Life." Fortunately, in the Parish that I attend, this topic was used to address the broader view of reflecting on how well we are caring for each other as a community and questioning ourselves as to our actions as stewards of the world that God has entrusted to us.

In other Parishes though, the homily was used as a subtle tool of political influence, as a veiled endorsement for the so-called "Conservative" Republican party candidates. You see, for some very strange reason, there is a perception that if a candidate voices support for banning abortions, or for legislative reform to reverse the decisions of the Supreme Court on the 1974 ruling from the "Roe Vs. Wade" case, which signed into law the legal right for a woman to choose to terminate her pregnancy, that candidate is the right choice for the leadership of this nation.

Don't get me wrong - I am PRO-LIFE.

However, Pro-Life is not a single issue position!!!

To me, being Pro-Life means to be FOR LIFE in ALL CASES.

Pro-Life to me is:

  • To desire that all children should be wanted, and that every effort should be made to enable people to become more responsible for their decisions and to help them overcome circumstances and obstacles that might make having children a difficult choice. i.e. Financial insecurity, lack of resources, lack of proper health care and education. I firmly believe that there are no women who willingly choose to abort their babies. It is a painful experience - physically and emotionally. I feel strongly that the decision to abort is always a choice that is made from a position of hopelessness or fear.
  • To seek the universal end of torture techniques as a means of gathering intelligence.
  • To seek the abolition of the death penalty as a legal punishment.
  • To be opposed to war as a means of establishing peace. War, is not a good choice - but I do have to admit that in cases of threats against the innocent, a defensive war is the lesser evil. Likewise, Abortion is a bad choice, but the lesser of two evils when two lives are at stake.
  • To be just as sensitive to prolonging life artificially, as much as trying to create life artificially.
  • To take the position that a truly civilized society does not consider the willful beating of one human being by another for money as sport. Therefore, to be Pro-Life is to seek the end of all boxing, extreme-fighting and any other so-called "Blood" sports.
By now, I know that I've hit a nerve!!!

You see, if Christians are truly followers of Christ, and they wish to impact the world. It is by being an example of right behavior; by demonstrating the virtues of good morals. It is not a matter of demanding legislation against certain behavior. The law does not make someone moral. The law only punishes the lawbreaker. The whole central message of the Gospel reveals how God accepted the punishment of the lawbreakers upon himself so that he might offer full unconditional forgiveness and restore the nature of the lawbreakers to their full citizenship in his kingdom.

Jesus said "Love your enemies."

If a Christian is in favor of preemptive war then they cannot be said to be obedient to Christ.

So - when considering who to vote for in this next election. Please do not look at just one issue. Look into the long-term strategies of the candidates. Look beyond their media talking points and see if they represent the people in general by their views - not just a particular group.

Those of you that maintain that Republicans are Pro-Life might ask yourself the following questions. (Answers at the bottom of the page)

  1. Which President was in office during the "Roe Vs. Wade" ruling?
  2. What party did he belong to?
  3. What religion did he claim to belong to?
  4. How many times since "Roe Vs. Wade" have the Republicans been in office versus the Democrats?
  5. How many Supreme Court justices currently serving on the bench were appointed by the Republicans?

1. President Richard M. Nixon (1969 - 1974)
2. Republican Party
3. Quaker Christian
4. See Below:

37 Richard M. Nixon Spiro T. Agnew
Gerald R. Ford
38 Gerald R. Ford Nelson A. Rockefeller 1974-1977 Republican
39 Jimmy Carter Walter F. Mondale 1977-1981 Democrat
40 Ronald W. Reagan George H.W. Bush
George H.W. Bush
41 George Herbert Walker Bush Dan Quayle 1989-1993 Republican
42 William J. Clinton Albert Gore Jr. 1993-1997
43 George Walker Bush Richard B. Cheney 2001- Republican


Republicans have held office for 24 years
Democrats have held office for 12 years

In 24 years since "Roe Vs. Wade" the ruling has not been reversed. What makes you think it will be this time??

5. Supreme Court Justices
Name Appt. by

John Roberts (Chief Justice) G.W. Bush

John Paul Stevens Ford

Antonin Scalia Reagan

Anthony Kennedy Reagan

David Souter G.H.W. Bush

Clarence Thomas G.H.W. Bush

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Clinton

Stephen Breyer Clinton

Samuel Alito G.W. Bush

Of the nine justices on the bench of the Supreme Court - 7 of them were appointed by Republican Presidents.

So - I ask again - if the Republicans are "Pro-Life" (i.e. Anti-Abortion) How come they haven't changed the law???

So - think again Catholics - think outside of the box and look at the facts on Pro-Life and Pro-Choice.

So make a wise choice - PLEASE.

1 comment:

nekrosys said...

I could not have said this better myself! We need to be Pro-Lifespan.