Saturday, January 13, 2007

War, what is it good for??


As I've studied the history of world religions, i.e Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism, I've discovered that they all began with a minority or individual revelation. However, within a few centuries of their founding - each was embraced by a powerful king or emperor that enthusiastically set about "spreading the word" through military action. For example, Christianity had Constantine, and Buddhism had Ashoka, both powerful and militant, albeit reformed, leaders of powerful national governments. Coincidentally, both of these men had the title of "the Great," added to their names. Thus, I believe, a strong case can be made that these faiths came to be classified as "World Religions," because of the link with the political power and military might of these powerful leaders.

Governments are institutions, just like religious organizations. Both being originally founded on the best intentions of preserving and "protecting" their constituents from attack, false doctrines or ideologies. However, both seek to legislate, and therefore defend, the right, or "orthodox" ways of doing things.

However, in their efforts to spread the truth (be it democracy or religious truth) both institutions tend to violate the very principles that they say that they stand for. For example, to claim to spread the gospel of Christianity, or the teachings of Islam, through violent action or political domination is to dismiss the whole idea of free will, which is the underlying principle of faith. If God wanted everyone to be Christian or Muslim, or even democratic - He would have just made it so.....

Most of the wars through history have been about power - some political or religious ideology being enforced on those of a differing view.

War of this kind is wrong - it's a kind of rape.

Like rape it has two participants - the perpetrator and the victim.

Rape is always wrong for the victim. But the perpetrators justify their action through some kind of sick or warped logic.

War, like rape, should never be tolerated. However, neither will probably ever go away.

We can only do everything we can to eliminate them and stand against them when they occur.

It's like a Bodhisattva vow:

"May I be a guard for those who are protector-less,
A guide for those who journey on the road;

For those who wish to go across the water,

May I be a boat, a raft, a bridge.

May I be an isle for those who yearn for landfall,
And a lamp for those who long for light;

For those who need a resting place, a bed,

For all who need a servant, may I be a slave.

May I be the wishing jewel, the vase of plenty,

A word of power, and the supreme remedy.

May I be the trees of miracles,
And for every being, the abundant cow.

Like the great earth and the other elements,
Enduring as the sky itself endures,
For the boundless multitude of living beings,
May I be the ground and vessel of their life.

Thus, for every single thing that lives,
In number like the boundless reaches of the sky,
May I be their sustenance and nourishment
Until they pass beyond the bounds of suffering"

Jesus stood squarely in opposition to political domination. His words to Pilate:

“My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight,.......... but now My kingdom is not from here.”
- John 18:36

Jesus taught us to pray that God's kingdom would come to earth - That His kingdom would become ours. Instead, we have tried to turn our kingdom into His.............

Let there be peace on earth, let it begin with me........

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