Friday, November 11, 2005

What's in a name?

St. Martin the Merciful

Not so long ago, before the days of "political correctness", we used to fill out application forms and other legal documents that asked for our "Christian" names and "Surnames." Now they just ask for First Name, Last Name. Long before that, the concept of having a "Christian" name had deep significance.

The origin of a "Christian" name was commemoration of a person's baptism. Traditionally the person being baptized was given the name of a Saint or Apostle and it was combined with their family name, which traditionally defined their trade or family history; so today we have names like: Paul Baker, Thomas Farmer, Andrew Forrester etc.

In the Eastern Orthodox tradition this custom is maintained by each person in the church choosing a "name saint." This name can be their birth name or they can "add" a name. This then becomes the name which is used by the priest when they receive holy communion - the Eucharist. The saint they are named after also becomes their patron saint.

The Feast of St. Martin
After some research on the background of my name I've chosen St. Martin the Merciful, the Bishop of Tours as my name saint. Today, November 11th, is his feast day.

Although I don't think my parents named me after a saint intentionally, bearing a saint's name carries a certain amount of responsibility!!!

Life of St. Martin
"Saint Martin the Merciful, Bishop of Tours, was born at Sabaria in Pannonia (modern Hungary) in 316. Since his father was a Roman officer, he also was obliged to serve in the army. Martin did so unwillingly, for he considered himself a soldier of Christ, though he was still a catechumen. At the gates of Amiens, he saw a beggar shivering in the severe winter cold, so he cut his cloak in two and gave half to the beggar. That night, the Lord Jesus Christ appeared to the saint wearing Martin's cloak. He heard the Savior say to the angels surrounding Him, "Martin is only a catechumen, but he has clothed Me with this garment." The saint was baptized soon after this, and reluctantly remained in the army. Two years later, the barbarians invaded Gaul and Martin asked permission to resign his commission for religious reasons. The commander charged him with cowardice. St. Martin demonstrated his courage by offering to stand unarmed in the front line of battle, trusting in the power of the Cross to protect him. The next day, the barbarians surrendered without a fight, and Martin was allowed to leave the army. He traveled to various places during the next few years, spending some time as a hermit on an island off Italy. He became friendly with St. Hilary, Bishop of Poitiers (January 14), who made Martin an exorcist. After several years of the ascetic life, St. Martin was chosen to be Bishop of Tours in 371. As bishop, St. Martin did not give up his monastic life, and the place where he settled outside Tours became a monastery. In fact, he is regarded as the founder of monasticism in France. He conversed with angels, and had visions of Sts. Peter and Paul (June 29) and of other saints. He is called the Merciful because of his generosity and care for the poor, and he received the grace to work miracles. After a life of devoted service to Christ and His Church, the saint fell ill at Candes, a village in his diocese, where he died on November 8, 397. He was buried three days later (his present Feast) at Tours. During the Middle Ages, many Western churches were dedicated to St. Martin, including St. Martin's in Canterbury, and St. Martin-in-the-Fields in London. In 1008, a cathedral was built at Tours over the relics of St. Martin. This cathedral was destroyed in 1793 during the French Revolution, together with the relics of St. Martin and St. Gregory of Tours (November 17). A new cathedral was built on the site many years later. Some fragments of the relics of St. Martin were recovered and placed in the cathedral, but nothing remains of St. Gregory's relics." - (emphasis mine)
-from the Orthodox Church in America's Website -

When I lived in London I would walk past St. Martin-in-the-Fields church nearly everyday. It stands in the centre of London as a refuge for the poor and downtrodden.

St. Martin was a zealous convert to Christianity, an advocate for the poor, a conscientious objector and a devout mystic. A worthy role-model don't you think?

Kontakion for St. Martin the Merciful
As a devoted man of God, you proclaimed His mysteries,
And as a seer of the Trinity, you shed your blessings on the Occident.
By your prayers and entreaties,
O adornment of Tours and glory of all the Church,
Preserve us, O Saint Martin, and save all who praise your memory.

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